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Parental leave: managing workers' absences and protection in the event of resignation


​During the webinar, the topic of leave entitlements for working mothers and fathers will be addressed, with a focus on the obligations to be fulfilled by the employee and the employer, and the management of resignations tendered during the protected period. The topics will be addressed with a practical approach to support employers and HR managers

Tipologia di evento Webinar
Data dall'evento 10 luglio 2024
Città Online
Orario 11:30-12:30


Iva Ilieva, Associate Partner, Labour Consultant

Organizzazione Barbara Galleri
+39 02 6328 841
Costi The partecipation to the webinar is free of charge after registration
Informazioni aggiuntive

The webinar is aimed at companies​


Contact Person Picture

Iva Ilieva

Consulente del lavoro

Associate Partner

+39 02 6328 841

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